Freedom High School Roll Call Freedom High School, an educational, nostalgic super hero comic book from Gennewwine written, drawn, and created by Allan Angel. These are the characters that make up an elite group of super powered teens at Freedom High School. It consists of six gifted students who unwittingly become the defenders of the planet and are taught by an instructor named Mr. Bear. The book is available at FHS: Freedom High School | Etsy . Jackson Age 17 Hobbies: dance, magic, and going out with friends on the weekend . Roberta Montenegro Age 17 Hobbies: sewing, fashion, and martial arts. Tamiya Hartley Age 17 Hobbies: collecting comic books, drawing, and going to the movies Eileen Swift Age ? Hobbies: track and field, going to concerts, and Reading mystery novels. Henry Chu Age 17 Hobbies: mathematics, journalism, and photography. Joe Rucker Age 11 Hobbies: quantum physics, science, and mathematics. Mr. Bear Age ? Afterschool instructor at F...